Monday, May 30, 2011

Simon Mills: A V-Twin obsession "Part One"


I am simon mills a friend of Gary Inman and Ben Part from Sideburn, also colleague of Fiddy from Davida.
well I'll be brief, in the olden days as a boy it was ducati Obsession, barcelona 24horas, Imola, then as a young man I discovered Le Mans, Bol d'or endurance racing, French style etc, I loved those bikes and the events, from the early eighties it was all about the underdog battling the mighty Japanese, as a student I saved and borrowed and built bikes around 900SS, Guzzi SP1000 T3 etc and they came and went, some still seem to be here.

1983 900 SS endurance style-large Vee twin obsession commences

1985 Le Clou-The NAIL, the guzzi that always ran when the duke broke

the duke became a Harris duke to try to follow the times

Later on came other Guzzi and Ducati singles

the re-birth of the 750 sport 8 years ago

the re-built shed to remove 8 bikes from the house

all of the bevels were built from wrecks, the silver bullet 900 ss was a tribute to the American racers of the 70's, California Hot Rod, old blue etc, the 900S2 was a tribute to the NCR endurance bikes of early 80's built from bits and pieces from scrapyards and friends, burnt out wrecks recovered.

the scrambler was standard but a friend crashed it so it acquired Darmah forks and wheels, the 900ss swing arm caused the NCR to be built as I went to scrapyard to buy a swing arm from 900ss and ended up with whole bike totally burned but managed to rebuild with another SS frame etc

The silver bullet, 900ss fancy valves, pistons, much porting and lighteneing throughout engine, 1980's replica Chrom Moly race frame, 996 forks, brakes and wheel, marchesini rear...
Not so sure why, it just seemed like a good idea 9 years ago

recently ripped up a perfectly good 750SS to make a little cafe for madame, its bit rough but cheap and cheerful..

the final version, cheap and cheerful


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Belajar Mading Online

Jika sebelumnya kita hanya melihat mading dalam bentuk yang sangat sederhana, maka kini kita bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas online dalam membuat mading. Belajar mading online tidaklah terlalu sulit jika kita mau tahu prinsip dasar menulis dalam membuat mading sekaligus belajar penerapannya untuk disajikan dalam bentuk online. Yang kita butuhkan hanyalah media yang memungkinkah kita menulis dan menampilkan gambar layaknya mading. Untuk itu sebuah blog bisa anda gunakan untuk membuat sebuah mading online

Langkah pertama jika anda sudah memiliki blog adalah memilih template yang sesuai dengan tema mading online atau jika anda memiliki kemampuan lebih maka bisa membuat template bersama dengan tim. Jika mading online tersebut banyak memuat foto maka pilihkan tampilan jenis magazine atau gallery. Dan selanjutnya tinggal mengisi konten yang bermanfaat dan bisa dibaca oleh semua orang karena keunggulan mading online adalah tulisan anda bisa dinikmati oleh lebih banyak orang jika dibandingkan dengan mading yang konvensional

Untuk lebih mudahnya dalam membuat mading online anda bisa mengikuti pelatihan mading yang diselenggarakan di sekolah atau bertanya kepada mereka yang telah ahli dalam membuat. Semoga informasi ini bisa berguna bagi anda dan lebih banyak lagi anak muda yang terus ingin berkreasi dengan menggunakan mading

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kamus Singkatan Internet

Kamus Internet - Kamus singkatan internet - Untuk para pengguna internet khususnya yang suka masuk ke forum2, seringkali kita menjumpai istilah atau lebih tepatnya singkatan aneh yang tidak kita mengerti. Karena itu biar tidak salah paham atau bahkan kebingungan menjelaskan arti singkatan tersebut maka kini ada sebuah kamus singkatan internet dari kumpulan kata kata yang biasanya sering muncul di forum online. Kamus ini sangat sederhana layaknya kamus bahasa alay karena hanya memuat beberapa kata saja tapi telah disusun dari abjad a-z yang bisa memudahkan anda mencari singkatan yang anda maksud.

Karena masih sangat minim, maka sudi kiranya pengujung mau menambahkan arti singkatan internet yang anda ketahui agar kamus singkatan internet ini bisa lebih lengkap

adn - any day now
afaik - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard
aka - also known as
atm - according to me
attn - attention

bak - back at the keyboard
bbiab - be back in a bit
bbl - be back later
bbs - be back soon
bfn - bye for now
bif - basis in fact
bion - believe it or not
bl - belly laughing
brb - be right back
bta - but then again
btt - back to topic
btw - by the way

cmiiw - correct me if i'm wrong
cu - see you
cua - common user access
cul - see you later
cwyl - chat with ya later
cyo - see you online

dba - doing business as
diku? - do i know you?
Dityid? - did i tell you i'm distressed?
Dtrt - do the right thing

emfbi - excuse me for butting in
eom - end of message
eos - end of show
eot - end of thread

ftf - face to face
faq - frequently asked question(s)
fish - first in, still here
fomcl - falling off my chair laughing
fud - fear, uncertainty & doubt
fwiw - for what it's worth
fya - for your amusement
fyeo - for your eyes only
fyi - for your information

ga - go ahead
gal - get a life
gigo - garbage in, garbage out
giwist - gee, i wish i'd said that
gmta - great minds think alike
gol - giggling out loud
grd - grinning, running & ducking
gtg - got to go
gws - get well soon
gtrm - going to read mail

hhok - ha ha, only kidding
hhos - ha ha, only serious
hng - horny net geek
htd - have to disagree...
Hth - hope this helps
hthbe - hope this has been enlightening

iac - in any case
iag - i'm a genius
iae - in any event
ianal - i am not a lawyer
ic - i see
icam - i couldn't agree more
id - i disagree
iha - i hate acronyms
iirc - if i remember correctly
ily or ilu - i love you
imao - in my arrogant opinion
imco - in my considered opinion
imho - in my humble opinion
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
iow - in other words
ipn - i'm posting naked
irl - in real life
irt - in real time
ita - i totally agree
itd - i totally disagree
itrw - in the real world

jat - just a thought
japri - jalur pribadi
jfu - just for you
jic - just in case
jk - just kidding (or joke)
jmho - just my humble opinion
jmo - just my opinion

kwim? - know what i mean?

l8r - later
lbay - laughing back at you
ld - later dude
ldr - long-distance relationship
llta - lots and lots of thunderous applause
lmao - lauging my ass off
lol - laughing out loud or lots of luck
lolbay - laughing out loud back at you
ltm - laugh to myself
ltns - long time no see

m/f? - male or female?
Mego - my eyes glazed over
mhoty - my hat's off to you
mink - multiple income no kids
mmha2u - my most humble apologies to you
moos or motos - member of the opposite sex
moss or motss - member of the same sex
motd - message of the day
moto - member of the opposant
mud - multi-user dungeon (or dimension)

nbif - no basis in fact
nbir - no basis in reality
nw - no way
np - no problem
nrn - no reply necessary

oic - oh, i see
oll - on-line love
omg - oh my god
oot - out of topic
ootb - out of the box
opm - other people's money
otf - on the floor
otoh - on the other hand
otooh - on the other, other hand
otp - on the phone
otth - on the third hand
ottomh - off the top of my head
otw - on the way

pans - pretty awesome new stuff
pc - politically correct or personal computer
pda - public display of affection
pdq - pretty darn quick
pebcak - problem exists between chair and keyboard
pgb - pengertiannya gitu bang
pi or pic - politically incorrect
pita - pain in the ass
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
pmji - pardon my jumping in
pots - plain old telephone service (or pretty old tired stuff)
pov - point of view
ppl - peed pants laughing or people

rl - real life
roar - laughing as loud as a lion
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
rp - romantic partner
rpg - role playing games
rsn - real soon now
rtm - read the manual or message
rw - real world
ryo - roll your own

sink - single income no kids
sitd - still in the dark
so - significant other
sol - smiling out loud
somy? - sick of me yet?
Sos - someone on shoulder
std - sick to death
sts - sorry to say

taf - that's all folks
tafn - that's all for now
tanstaafl - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
tbh - to be honest
tcn - take care now
tfh - thread from hell
tfi - the fact is
tfm - thanks from me
tfmt - thanks from me too
tfs - thank for sharing
tgif - thank god it's friday
tgtbt - too good to be true
tfrm - thanks for remind me
thx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tic - tongue in cheek
tig - this is great
tiic - the idiots in charge
tla - three-letter acronym
tptb - the powers that be
ttfn - ta ta for now
ttyl - talk to you later
tq or tx or txs or thx - thanks (or thank you)
tysm - thank you so much
tyvm - thank you very much

uapita or yapita - you're a pain in the ass
ustm or ystm - you should thanks me

vwp - very well put

w4w - word for word
wags - what a great story
wai - what an inspiration!
Wb - welcome back
wdalyic? - who died and left you in charge?
Wfm - works for me
wibni - wouldn't it be nice if
wp - well put
wt? - what/who the?
Wth? - what the hell?
Wtg - way to go
wtgp? - want to go private?
Wts - with that said
wu? - what's up?
Wuf? - where are you from?
Wysiwyg - what you see is what you get

xoxo - kisses and hugs
xx - kisses

yaag - you are a genius
yabr - you are being replaced
ygbsm - you've gotta be shittin' me
ymmv - your mileage may vary
yrr - you 'r' right
yvmw - you're very much welcome

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Montlhéry Vintage Revival 2011 *part3*


And now, my favorites ones, shot with Hasselblad and Kodak 160 NC

Bugatti T59

Darmont-Étoile de France (1933). The engine is an air-cooled 50º 1.100cc V2 engine. Maximum speed of this model around 110 Km/h, which is approximately 68 mph, with a 1.100cc Darmont-Spécial engine the speed was 125 Km/h (78 mph). The standard colour of the car was blue. The car was sold with two forward speeds and no reverse, three forward speeds and reverse were available as an extra.

Bugatti Brescia


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beauty of Speed


Eric Mathieu live in the South-East of France "la Côte d'Azur", works in the maintenance of boats, and since years restore old Harley Davidson. He even created a website about his knowledge of pre-war Harley and Indians... a true reference: "Beauty of speed".

Here's his latest work.

This 1938 Knucklehead came from the son of the oldest Harley Dealer in France, Michel Borie, his father was Pierre Borie. Michel Borie took over the dealership from his father and had a shop in the Paris area. He had the engine displayed at his shop.

I was trying to buy the engine for years like many other people but he would not want to hear anything about it. A good friend of mine who had know known his father very well was approached by Michel towards the end of his life, when he was selling his dealership to a larger dealer and was sick. He said that he had the complete bike from his father and that he had been keeping it for himself to restore. Now he had lost interest and was willing to let it go.
Nobody knew that the displayed engine was just one piece of the treasure. I was able to buy it with my friend and discover the rest of the bike. What we found was an amazingly correct and well preserved pile of parts that all matched in correctness for 1938 and in original condition. It was obvious that this was one bike and everything indicated it was an original "export model" imported and sold new in France. I was able to make a deal with my friend and make the project my main parts hunt and workshop focus for the next 4 years.
When working on the bike I found the initials from Pierre Borie "PB" stamped on the inside of the cases and painted on some of the wooden boxes where the parts were stored. I suspect that the bike was taken apart sometime in the 1940 or 1950s and thus survived the "chopper years". The engine was in need of major rebuild with very used and broken internals which may explain why the bike was taken apart. It took me 4 years to find the parts that had got lost along the way and get the bike the way it is now. I like to rebuild everything myself on my bikes, down to the last nut and bolt, which is how I was able to obtain a bike in original cosmetic condition but completely mechanically restored. I spent so many hours on this motorcycle bringing it back to life, now it's time to ride!
