Friday, February 10, 2012

Lightbike from the movie Tron: Legacy

otoMan friend, this time we will discuss the bike is no less cool and elegant,
These are international rather a bike that is painstakingly created to be a replica of the bike in a science fiction film Tron: Legacy.
you know the movie that tells people live on the network, and is now priced at almost Rp12trilyun! wawww,,, really amazing.

In the film, this bike was created using CGI graphics and controlled by a computer program and the gamers.
The original version, made ​​by Parker Brothers Choppers, with a length of about 2 meters and a width of 23 inches and weighs 215kg. This bike also capable of reaching speeds of 120mph.
The wheels are made using the Hubble its used truck tires are fitted and decorated aga formed again with the lines of electric light. Fiberglass cover protects the steel frame and the rider must lean unique horizontal almost exactly like the movies.

This motor is powered by a fuel-injection Suzuki 996cc, 4-stroke engine and rated at the front and rear springs. Each made ​​its own bike and can be purchased online from Hammacher Schlemmer.
Spokeswoman Trish Hammond said, "This bike is made so well that every aspect is identical to the bike in the film. Appearance is very attractive and you will attract the attention of some people when driving on the streets."

Lightbike or bike of light appeared in the original film in 1982 and its remake in 2010 starring Jeff Bridges yesterday titled Tron: Legacy.

Operations manager Jeff Halverson, speaking later in the year, said, "This bike has a bike that gives TL1000R power steering system is controlled by the friction of the chain. It can reach 120mph but we have not tried to speed it up. The hardest part to make this bike is trying to bring CGI from the film to the real situation. We started with just try if we could make it. "

Besides looks, this bike also has the modern era of technology - including a port for the iPad that when online will download statistics from the vehicle computer juag available.
I think it is quite otoMan friends,,, the news that I can convey on this occasion, for those who are interested and would hobbies extreme motors please collect money and be diligent saving hahhah (otoMan)

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